Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Best Acne Cleanser?

Today I got yelled at by a Body Shop representative, who stated that Proactiv leaves pits in your skin, causing craters and dries it out badly. I have experienced the dryness, but I just put lotion on it because I truly think Proactiv is the only thing that will work on my sensitive, dry skin.

However, I%26#039;m tired of paying $50 every ten weeks for Proactiv and I would like to avoid craters, so, what is the best cleanser that curbs acne and doesn%26#039;t destroy my already dry skin? I%26#039;m super allergic to Clearasil and some Clean and Clear products, such as their line for fighting extreme acne, is waaay too acidic for my skin... I break out really bad.

Please help me, I need a new face wash. :[
Best Acne Cleanser?
clearskin advanced acne treatment!

target or walmart or walgreens.
Best Acne Cleanser?
OMG, the same thing happened to me. This lady from the body shop got all mad because I was using clearisal. Anyway, I got this deep cleansing seaweed stuff from the body shop with this little facial brush. (it gives you a deeper cleanse.) my acne cleared up within a few days. It was amazing!

BTW, the stuff I got is at the body shop and the people will help you pick out your type of facial soap by your skin condition.
Reply:noxzema face cleaning pads..they work great, seriously, or poxide works really good too. either one cant cost more then 7 bucks
Reply:Well my acne is really stubborn and brite red my face is really oily and i use Isopropyl Alchol.Subds bad but u need to make sure u have a nice moistureizer.I did this in the morning and my acne is already going away it always does only do it 2 time and around lunch i use strides in a red container
Reply:(professional acne treatment cream)

potent and gentle acne cream,its all natural ingredients

no drying ,no redness, no irritation

also helps with wrinkles,scars,and stretch marks.

awsome cream i use it every night works wonders.

i got mine off ebay,so im not sure where to find it,but ie got their website if you want more
Reply:why not try eskinol or ponds for acne... you can see this products at

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